2012 was a good year. For a third year in a row, WCE’s revenues have increased. This steady growth gives me hope that the economy will continue to improve in the coming years. I am proud of the initiatives we launched in 2012 and am very excited about the new year!
Every new year’s weekend, since 1989, I set goals for the upcoming year. This exercise has helped me to focus and determine where I want to invest my time and energy. I encourage you to identify and write down your goals for 2013, because knowing what you want to focus on helps you to take advantage of the limited time we all have. I hope you find this goal setting packet of value.
As I look to the future, there are many wonderful things to look forward to in 2013! January is already booked with training programs in Chicago and Dallas and we are starting the year with many great jobs to fill. I will turn 50 this year and my daughter celebrates her Bat Mitzvah this winter. I know that 2013 will also bring challenges; with opportunities there are always challenges! The one great benefit that comes from getting older is wisdom. For me, this means perspective and the knowledge that I will survive no matter what the obstacles (hurricanes, diabetes, firms closing).
I wish you a wonderful 2013; a year where you accomplish your goals and feel really good about how you invest your time. If there is any way we can help you to achieve your goals, please let us know!