2013 was a very good year. For a fourth year in a row, WCE’s revenues have increased. This gives me hope that the economy has finally stabilized and that firms are ready and willing to add talent. We moved into our new office condo—which means we will never have a landlord again and actually own a very, very, very tiny piece of Manhattan! None of this would be possible without your trust, support and thinking of us when you have a job opening, training need or have met a great candidate and send them our way! I am deeply grateful to all of you!
Each year in December I ask myself, “Is the work I am doing still of value to my clients and am I still learning and growing?” I made myself a promise many years ago, that if the answer was “no,” I would find something else that would allow me to contribute and to continue to grow professionally. I am truly excited about the year ahead and know that I am doing the work I should be doing! We are starting 2014 with many new and exciting jobs. I am looking forward to sharing industry insights at LMA programs and the NALP conference, and I know that 2014 will bring with it opportunities I can not yet foresee. In March, we will celebrate our 18th Anniversary! I had no idea when I launched this business what an amazing adventure it would be and how incredibly fulfilled and challenged I would feel 17+ years later.
As many of you know, every New Year’s week, since 1989, I set goals for the upcoming year. This exercise has helped me to focus and determine where I want to invest my time and energy. Making the time to identify what you want to achieve in 2014 will help you to make this your most successful year yet! Staying focused and investing our time wisely has become more and more challenging each year because of all the distractions we face daily. I encourage you to identify and write down your goals for 2014, because knowing what is most important to you will help you to take advantage of the limited time we all have. I hope you find this goal setting packet of value. Please feel free to share it!
I wish you a wonderful 2014; a year where you accomplish your goals and feel really good about how you invest your time. If there is any way we can help you to achieve your goals, please let us know!