Are Your Team Members Prepared for In-Person Collaboration?

My commuter train to the city is the most crowded than I’ve seen it since COVID struck. Although I’ve commuted daily on this train for 20 years, it feels a bit unfamiliar. 

I think we’ve all changed in response to our new work situations. 

I’m concerned that our communication and collaboration skills have atrophied over the past 2+ years. In addition, many of us have hired new employees who may not know how to work with our teams in-person. 

During my calls with law firm professionals, I’ve heard a recurring theme that a sense of belonging has eroded in our hybrid workplace. Not seeing our colleagues to celebrate life’s milestones or have each other’s backs on challenging projects undid some of the glue that we often call culture.

I think that law firm professionals may need a tutorial on our ability to communicate effectively and understand others’ work styles, especially those whose styles are different than our own. 

If you’d like to help your team maximize communication and feel a deeper connection to the firm and each other’s success, I’ve developed a new program called Best Practices for Working and Communicating With Team Members

This interactive training uses the MBTI and shared work values exercises to help teams collaborate across different styles and build a more supportive work environment. If you’d like to learn more, please reach out to us at!

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