
5 Tricks for an Efficient Morning at Work – Real Simple Article

Posted 9/25/2014 by Eva Wisnik

Check out Eva's interview with Real Simple Magazine for some great time management tricks!

Is Your Recruiting Process As Strategic As it Can Be?

Posted 6/8/2012 by Eva Wisnik

The costs of interviewing in New York City and how you can improve your Firm's interview process

Wisnik’s Sweet Sixteen Anniversary

Posted 3/15/2012 by Eva Wisnik

10 Tips for Interviewing Legal Talent

Posted 8/10/2011 by Wisnik Career Enterprises, Inc.

The top 10 tips law firm interviewers should keep in mind before, during, and after meeting with candidates

Ten Steps to Better Time Management

Posted 4/11/2011 by Wisnik Career Enterprises, Inc.

The projects and tasks that continually demand a response are an inescapable part of working in a law firm. Thus, time management is essential.  This skill will enable you to respond to demands, fully and appropriately, on your own terms. By learning to plan, prioritize, organize and delegate activities more efficiently you can enjoy greater … Continued

Procrastination: Seven Strategies for Overcoming the Big “P”

Posted 3/24/2011 by Eva Wisnik

Real Simple magazine, April 2011 Do the worst thing first Maybe this is the last suggestion you want to hear. But there’s a good reason to start with the tough stuff. “We have a limited, depletable supply of willpower and resources,” says Piers Steel, Ph.D., a professor of human resources and organizational dynamics at the … Continued

Networking and Rainmaking Skills for Lawyers

Posted 12/20/2010 by Wisnik Career Enterprises, Inc.

The key to managing your own career is to constantly build your contacts, skills and knowledge. Networking will increase your contacts. Networking can be defined as building and nurturing professional relationships when you do not need them, so they are there for you when you do need them. These professional relationships are so critical to your … Continued

Achieving Professional Visibility

Posted 12/20/2010 by Wisnik Career Enterprises, Inc.

Professional visibility can make you more valued and respected inside your organization and outside. You can enhance your professional visibility by speaking, writing, teaching and leading. Below are some strategies for achieving greater professional visibility and getting the recognition and rewards you deserve. 1. Seek out opportunities to speak in public. Which professionals are considered … Continued